Fat-Washing Fascination: A Journey into Rich, Flavorful Cocktail Crafting

Fat-washing is a technique that marries the culinary and mixology worlds, promising to craft cocktails that are as savory as they are smooth. It's a gateway to infusing spirits with the rich, aromatic flavors of fats. As Subterra ventures into the realm of fat-washing for its next season's menu, let’s unravel the mystery behind this intriguing process.

The Essence of Fat-Washing

Fat-washing is about infusing alcohol with fat to extract its flavor and aroma, creating a spirit that carries the essence of the fat while remaining liquid at room temperature.

  • Flavor Infusion: The fats impart their unique flavors to the alcohol, enriching it with a savory depth.

  • Texture Enhancement: Fat-washing can also lend a silky texture to the cocktails.

The Fat-Washing Procedure

Here's a glimpse into the fat-washing process, a delicate interplay between fat and spirit.

  1. Choosing the Fat: Select a fat (like bacon fat, butter, or coconut oil) and render it liquid.

  2. Infusing the Spirit: Mix the liquid fat with the spirit and let it infuse for a certain period.

  3. Separation and Filtration: Chill the mixture to solidify the fat, then strain to separate the fat from the infused spirit.

Venturing into Fat-Washing at Subterra

As we explore fat-washing for our next season's menu, the potential for flavor innovation is boundless.

  • R&D Process: Our mixologists are in the throes of experimentation, exploring different fats and spirits to create new signature cocktails.

  • Anticipated Creations: We envision crafting cocktails that resonate with the savory, aromatic essence of fat-washing, offering a new dimension of flavor to our patrons.

The Future of Fat-Washing

Fat-washing is a doorway to uncharted flavor territories, promising to redefine the cocktail menus of the future.

  • Culinary Mixology: The technique embodies the fusion of culinary arts and mixology, heralding a new era of flavor-forward cocktails.

Stay tuned as Subterra steps into the savory domain of fat-washing. Our upcoming season's menu is poised to introduce a range of fat-washed cocktails, promising a savory sojourn into uncharted flavor territories.


Milk-Washing Magic: A Creamy Journey into Smooth Cocktail Crafting